Saturday, August 15, 2009

What is a Wine Cooler or Wine Refrigerator?

A wine cooler or wine refrigerator is a specialized refrigeration appliance that provides wine storage, wine preservation and wine aging under controlled conditions. The basic functions of a wine cooler are maintaining a constant, appropriate wine storage temperature and humidity while minimizing natural or artificial light.

Wine is a perishable good. Some of the basic enemies of wine, from a preservation standpoint, are temperature and humidity. A typical household’s internal temperature can range between 68 degrees to 80 degrees Fahrenheit (20 to 27 degrees Celsius) and experience frequent and sudden changes in sunlight and humidity, especially during the changing of the seasons. Under these household conditions, wines really shouldn’t be kept for more than a few months. However, a wine cooler maintains a constant, cool temperature allowing wine to age appropriately and extending a wine’s shelf life.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Buy Green - Buy a Wine Cooler Online

Carnegie Mellon University's Green Design Institute recently completed a study that found e-commerce retail results in over 30% less energy consumption and carbon dioxide emissions compared to traditional brick and mortar retailing. The biggest contributor to online retail’s lower energy use and carbon dioxide emissions, versus traditional retail, is substantially less customer transportation (primarily automobile) to and from various traditional retail stores and less trucks involved in product distribution. A summary of the report and Carnegie Mellon's press release provide additional details.

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